The current Kisii University Students Union leadership is under siege after a group dubbed as rights watch group has been reportedly going round collecting signatures as part of the legal process for the same. Led by Akama Junior, a student and blogger, the group has accused the current leadership for failing to meet their promises alongside corruption cases. In a post by a member of the group, on the Facebook group named Kisii University Comrades Forum, the group allegedly claimed that the leaders led by the KUSU president Peter Kuria, have embezzled funds allocated to them by the university council. Akama Junior had earlier on claimed that they have already collected more than 2500 signature as per the law.
The Peter Kuria leadership has been under pressure to organise the Cultural Week event which some have allegedly said might not take place and have directly linked it to the current leadership's failures. However, through his official Facebook page, Peter Kuria wrote about the achievements he has been able to achieve in the short time he has been office, directly linking the current quick services offered in various offices to his main achievements. The annual elections will be held this semester to usher in new leadership and Peter Kuria is expected to face a stiff competition.
1. UMOJA ELIMU COMPLEX This is the tallest building in town. The 10-storey building houses a number of education institutions like Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology Kisii CBD Campus. It is situated along the Kisii-Kisumu Highway. 2. ST JUDE It is probably the busiest building in the busy town, housing a number of hotels like Kanyimbo and Mombasa hotels. A number of shops, clubs, cybers and hardwares are also located in this building that is next to the town's largest bus stage. A fleet of 'mama mbogas' line up here daily to meet there customers. A bodaboda stage bearing the building's is also located next to this building. 3. ZONIC HOTEL This was the tallest before Umoja Elimu Centre came into existence. The building houses one of the most luxurious hotels in town that offers accommodation. Apart from the hotel, Zonic houses The Fountain Club which is known for its space and equipment, that is able to hold multi functions. 4. UHURU PLAZA...
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