A university is a society of its own;one that enjoys a wide range of its own generated stories. Like any other society, the members of a university, most probably students, are the authors of its fortunes and misfortunes. It goes without saying that every university houses beautiful girls and handsome boys, and narrowly that everyone has a lover in university. Obviously, university students are grown ups who are less monitored and enjoy the privilege and independence of making decisions. For the sake of the animal called democracy, or rather the desire of the heart, students make their own decisions on whom to marry or befriend. Perhaps this is what brews the problems we experience in our institutions today.
If you grew up during my times, then you certainly know what 'Fisi' means. In my times, it does not mean that greedy, ugly animal that brawls in the forest. It refers to an unmarried guy who wants to own every beautiful girl he comes across. Likewise, people of my times know what a 'Slay Queen'means. If you heard someone is a slay queen, don't rush to call her 'Your Majesty', she's just a victim of much makeup, lazy girl, attention seeker and fortunately good for nothing. Eruption of such titles reveals the evils performed by young people, especially in university, covered by the term relationship.
If love was the only ingredient that cooked a relationship, then every love story would be a success. Many stories narrated by victims of love end somewhere crucial, "...I love him but..."
The but hides some latter part that missed the relationship. Love is crucial but relationships need dedication, attention, trust, resources, availability... Give me an example of a university student who can love, trust, attend and be available to their lover at ALL times. None. Many university guys today are suffering from RELATIONSHIP INSECURITY, a problem that has seen there partners engage in dirty love games like prostitution, sponsor-games, playing...
If we all went into a relationship with sober minds then we cannot come out. Some of us go into relationships to get money, others for sex, others for fun... Which is absolutely wrong. A relationship is a connection between people. For the connection to be stronger and working at all times, the people involved must work hard to strengthen the links. If you are in a relationship watch it closely, it could be your 'golden chance'. Don't yearn for bronze or silver...
1. UMOJA ELIMU COMPLEX This is the tallest building in town. The 10-storey building houses a number of education institutions like Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology Kisii CBD Campus. It is situated along the Kisii-Kisumu Highway. 2. ST JUDE It is probably the busiest building in the busy town, housing a number of hotels like Kanyimbo and Mombasa hotels. A number of shops, clubs, cybers and hardwares are also located in this building that is next to the town's largest bus stage. A fleet of 'mama mbogas' line up here daily to meet there customers. A bodaboda stage bearing the building's is also located next to this building. 3. ZONIC HOTEL This was the tallest before Umoja Elimu Centre came into existence. The building houses one of the most luxurious hotels in town that offers accommodation. Apart from the hotel, Zonic houses The Fountain Club which is known for its space and equipment, that is able to hold multi functions. 4. UHURU PLAZA...
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