NASA presidential candidate, Raila Odinga is on the limelight again after promising to give a final declaration on 25th October, a day before the presidential election. Earlier on, Raila had mentioned what many thought is his final declaration but twisted the moves during his parallel Mashujaa event in Bondo. Earlier on, the NASA chief had declared that their supporters will not take part in the election and that they will hold a national demonstration, a statement that did not go well with president Uhuru Kenyatta who warned against any plan to disrupt the exercise. Raila then discovered that president Kenyatta was unmoved by the threat (his prior threats had moved the president significantly) he decided to issue a different version of the same. Mr Odinga's last minute declarations are known to be predictable. During the 2002 presidential election, he had publicly promised to support Ford People's Simon Nyachae but took a last minute move and declared support for NARC's M...
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